The nutrition and exercise information on this website is combined with educational and scientific sources along with the opinion of Kat D'Andrea Nutritional Therapist and Cassandra Till Coach for female athletes.
This is not a form of healing. This is to help you make some informed decisions regarding your health.
All theories have been designed as an option to assist the body in its natural recovery process and are not intended as a diagnosis or claim to cure. Performing any of the exercises in this program, you assume all risks of injury from doing so. Always perform a full warm-up before taking part in your movement sessions and stop exercising if you feel any discomfort, pain, shortness of breath or feel unwell in any way.
If you are on medication please discuss your symptoms and concerns with a medical professional.
The information in this course is focused on those of reproductive age with a natural menstrual cycle. If you are pregnant, perimenopausal or without a regular period, you may require additional resources and information to support your hormones.
This course is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and if you have any concerns regarding your health please contact your GP, or healthcare professional.
This is not a form of healing. This is to help you make some informed decisions regarding your health.
All theories have been designed as an option to assist the body in its natural recovery process and are not intended as a diagnosis or claim to cure. Performing any of the exercises in this program, you assume all risks of injury from doing so. Always perform a full warm-up before taking part in your movement sessions and stop exercising if you feel any discomfort, pain, shortness of breath or feel unwell in any way.
If you are on medication please discuss your symptoms and concerns with a medical professional.
The information in this course is focused on those of reproductive age with a natural menstrual cycle. If you are pregnant, perimenopausal or without a regular period, you may require additional resources and information to support your hormones.
This course is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and if you have any concerns regarding your health please contact your GP, or healthcare professional.